Tham khảo Masanobu Fukuoka

  1. Sustainable Agriculture: Definition and Terms. Special Reference Briefs Series no. SRB 99-02, September 1999. Compiled by: Mary V. Gold, Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, US Department of Agriculture
  2. Setboonsarng, S. and Gilman, J. 1999. Alternative Agriculture in Thailand and Japan. HORIZON Communications, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Online review version (Retrieved 25 March 2014).
  3. Toyoda, Natsuko (September–October 2008). “Farmer Philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka: Humans must Strive to Know the Unknown (1)” (PDF). Japan Spotlight. Tokyo: Japan Economic Foundation. 161. ISSN 1348-9216.
  4. Toyoda, Natsuko (November–December 2008). “Farmer Philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka Humans Must Strive to Know the Unknown (2): What Does Natural Farming Mean?” (PDF). Japan Spotlight. Tokyo: Japan Economic Foundation. 162. ISSN 1348-9216.
  5. Toyoda, Natsuko (January–February 2009). “Farmer Philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka: Humans Must Strive to Know the Unknown (3) Greening Desserts by Clay-Ball Seeding” (PDF). Japan Spotlight. Tokyo: Japan Economic Foundation. 162. ISSN 1348-9216.
  6. Toyoda, Natsuko (January–February 2010). “The Key to Success” (PDF). Japan Spotlight. Tokyo: Japan Economic Foundation. 169. ISSN 1348-9216.
  7. 1992 (tiếng Nhật) わら一本の革命・総括編「神と自然と人の革命」 1996 translation The Ultimatum of God Nature The One-Straw Revolution A Recapitulation -page 2. "In an instant I had become a different person. I sensed that, with the clearing of the dawn mist, I had been transformed completely, body and soul."
  8. 2001 (tiếng Nhật) わら一本の革命 総括編 —粘土団子の旅— [(a title translate:) The One Straw Revolution: Recapitulation -Journeying [around Earth] with clay seed balls-] -biographical notes on page 271. 15 May 1937 Awakening in Yokohama city (昭和12年 5月 15日 横浜に於て開悟 自然農法の道一筋, 15 May 1937 Awakening in Yokohama city?)
  9. “The 1988 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service - "BIOGRAPHY of Masanobu Fukuoka"”. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 15 tháng 1 năm 2009. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 8 năm 2010.
  10. 1975 (tiếng Nhật) 自然農法-緑の哲学の理論と実践 1985 translation -updated 1987 The Natural Way Of Farming-The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy -pages 132 and 190-216 - page 132 "There is a fundamental difference between nature and the doctrine of laissez-faire or non-intervention. Laissez-faire is the abandoning of nature by man after he has altered it, such as leaving a pine tree untended after it has been transplanted in a garden and pruned, or suddenly letting a calf out to pasture in a mountain meadow after raising it on formula milk."
  11. 1992 (tiếng Nhật) わら一本の革命・総括編「神と自然と人の革命」 1996 translation The Ultimatum of God Nature The One-Straw Revolution A Recapitulation -pages 5, 50, 97-8, 206-208 - page 98. "To put it very briefly, my theory is that human knowledge and actions have destroyed nature, and thus, if we abandon them and leave nature to nature, nature will recover on its own. This does not, however, mean nonintervention."